
The Importance of Trademark Registration

If your company does business in the U.S., registering your company’s trademarks and service marks in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is an essential investment in your business.

October 20th, 2016|

How to Negotiate Key Issues in SaaS Contracts

This article supplements my recently posted article entitled, “11 Key Benefits and Risks of SaaS Contracts.” This time, I’ll address some ways SaaS (“software as a service,” cloud-based) software application providers and their customers can [...]

June 15th, 2015|

11 Key Benefits and Risks of SaaS Contract

This post is the first in a two-part series. It will briefly address some of the principal benefits to users of cloud-based, Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, as well as some of the key business and [...]

May 28th, 2015|

Court Strikes Down Shrink-Wrap License Agreement

Most computer users are quite familiar with the so-called "shrink-wrap" license agreement that comes with most software programs for the consumer market. Well, at least most users have seen them, if not actually strained their [...]

May 1st, 1996|

Legal Concerns on the Web: Copyright Infringement

"Web, Schmeb," says syndicated computer columnist John Dvorak in March’s issue of PC Computing, summing up his user viewpoint that the World Wide Web is over-hyped, offers scant information of any value, and is too [...]

March 1st, 1996|

Legal Concerns on the Web: Domain Names

Whether a business has a site on the World Wide Web is regarded by some as a litmus test for measuring a company’s marketing savvy and technological prowess. For many businesses, it remains to be [...]

February 1st, 1996|

Potential Liability of World Wide Web Providers, Part II

Last month’s article discussed some potential areas of legal liability for operators of World Wide Web ("Web") sites, especially as they involved the copying and transmission of someone else’s copyrighted materials over the Internet. The [...]

November 1st, 1995|

Duck Copyright Entanglements on Web

Business of all sizes are clamoring to take advantage of the Internet by establishing their presence on the World Wide Web. But what are some of the legal risks for businesses that establish a "home [...]

October 1st, 1995|

Software Development Agreements: Put it in Writing, Part II

Software developers and their clients who embark on development projects without clear written agreements stating each party’s responsibilities -- and defining the expected results -- have often unwittingly sown the seeds for future conflict. In [...]

August 1st, 1995|

The Internet: Legal Issues in the Healthcare Environment

This article is not available online. Please e-mail for copy: eric@freibrunlaw.com or call 847-562-0099. Go back to articles. Attorney Eric Freibrun specializes in Computer law and Intellectual Property protection, providing legal services to information [...]

March 5th, 1995|

Rights to Inventions: Employers v. Employees

The owner of a patent to an invention generally has the exclusive right for 17 years from the date the patent issues to exclude others from making, using or selling the invention throughout the United [...]

March 4th, 1995|

Hitting the Delete Button on Cyberspace Lawsuits

This article is not available online. Please e-mail for copy: eric@freibrunlaw.com or call 847-562-0099. Go back to articles. Attorney Eric Freibrun specializes in Computer law and Intellectual Property protection, providing legal services to information [...]

March 2nd, 1995|

Loose Keystrokes Bring Lawsuits — On-Line Defamation

Psychiatrists and psychologists can no doubt venture an explanation as to why people say things in e-mail messages and on-line bulletin board postings they wouldn’t dream of saying out loud, stating in a printed memo, [...]

March 1st, 1995|

Developing Multimedia Works – A Legal Thicket

Apart from overcoming daunting software development challenges, creators of multimedia works must maneuver through a labyrinth of third party intellectual property and other legal rights relating to the content they may wish to include in [...]

February 1st, 1995|

Apple v. Microsoft: The End at Last?

Is the day finally at hand when we will be able to view these two words without a "v." separating them? Perhaps, at least with respect to the $5.5 billion lawsuit filed in 1988 by [...]

October 1st, 1994|

Get the Message? Workers Don’t Own Their E-Mail

This article is not available online. Please e-mail for copy: eric@freibrunlaw.com or call 847-562-0099. Go back to articles. Attorney Eric Freibrun specializes in Computer law and Intellectual Property protection, providing legal services to information [...]

September 1st, 1994|

Usenet Abuse: Can the Net be Saved From Itself?

Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel, two attorneys practicing law in Phoenix, are conceivably among the two most reviled dwellers of cyberspace. A few months ago, the husband and wife law firm of Canter & Siegel [...]

July 1st, 1994|

E-mail Privacy in the Workplace — To What Extent?

Suppose you work for a large company that has an internal electronic mail (e-mail) system. Suppose further that, in the grand tradition, your relationship with your supervisor is seriously suboptimal. To amuse yourself and your [...]

May 2nd, 1994|

Software Experts: Don’t Sign On For Life

This article is not available online. Please e-mail for copy: eric@freibrunlaw.com or call 847-562-0099. Go back to articles. Attorney Eric Freibrun specializes in Computer law and Intellectual Property protection, providing legal services to information [...]

May 1st, 1994|

Protect That Trademark

This article is not available online. Please e-mail for copy: eric@freibrunlaw.com or call 847-562-0099. Go back to articles. Attorney Eric Freibrun specializes in Computer law and Intellectual Property protection, providing legal services to information [...]

April 1st, 1994|

Choosing the Right Business Structure: the Basics

Congratulations. The program you’ve just finished developing is destined to make you rich, famous, happy, and more attractive to the opposite sex (hard to imagine, isn’t it?). Now that the programming is done, you’ve got [...]

March 1st, 1994|

Copy Right – Or Else

This article is not available online. Please e-mail for copy: eric@freibrunlaw.com or call 847-562-0099. Go back to articles. Attorney Eric Freibrun specializes in Computer law and Intellectual Property protection, providing legal services to information [...]

February 1st, 1994|

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and the Law

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the exchange and conduct of routine business transactions in a computer-processable electronic format. Typical applications include purchase orders, acknowledgments, pricing schedules, order status inquiries, shipping and receiving scheduling and confirmation, [...]

October 1st, 1993|

All articles written by attorney Eric S. Freibrun.  “Choosing the Right Business Structure: the Basics” co-authored with attorney Jay E. Marcus.

Please contact us to request a brief, no-charge initial consultation.

Contact Freibrun Law

“We engaged Eric to help our company with a contract that included our intellectual property overlapping our customer’s intellectual property. Eric listened and learned about our business and then skillfully navigated the contract language to satisfy us and our customer. He was excellent and I highly recommend him.”

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